COM Library has guides that include links to full text literature. Look for the Read the Lit and Open Access tabs.
OneSearch searches our print books and eBooks.
Example: Try William Shakespeare
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There are lots of great classics that you can find in Ebook Central that you can read online or check to download to your device. Must access on campus or login with your COM account for off campus access.
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Here's how:
Example search: Poe, Edgar Allan
On the result list you'll notice there are Spanish language as well as English language eBooks. You can limit to either under the Language option.
You should also see the eBook Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Now you can read stories like The Tell-Tale Heart, The Masque of the Read Death, and The Pit and the Pendulum.
Use the links below to see lists of many classics available from these large collections:
There is a large collection of literature with an emphasis on 20th and 21st century authors that are not available through our other eBook providers. Must have a COM account to check out eBooks. Use the inks to below to go to our literature collections OverDrive.
Want more on OverDrive? Try How to Use OverDrive.
Use the links below to access our collections of eBooks by 20th and 21st century authors:
A full text collection of more than 600 volumes of poetry by 283 poets from 1900 to the present day, including W.B. Yeats, Rudyard Kipling, Thomas Hardy, Wilfred Owen, Thom Gunn, Fleur Adcock, Paul Muldoon, Tony Harrison, Benjamin Zephaniah and Carol Ann Duffy, and incorporating the poets in The Faber Poetry Library. Must access on campus or login with your COM account for off campus access.
Using Google Play Books you can find, read and download free classic works of literature and other primary sources like first hand accounts of historical events, autobiographies, correspondence, diaries, are more.
A work will be free if it is out of copyright or the author or publisher choose to make it free. This brief explanation of length of copyright & publications can help you determine if an author's work might be available for free, full text online. |
Works Published After 1978 Works Published 1923-1978 Works Published Before 1923 |
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