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How to Use Zoterobib

Learn how to use zoterobib to generate citations and create bibliographies in top citation styles, including ACS, APA, Chicago, GSA, MLA and more for free!

Your Bibliography

zoterobib automatically starts a bibliography the first time you use it. It saves your bibliography to your browser’s local storage — you can close the page and return to it anytime. (If you’re using private / incognito mode in your browser, your bibliography will be cleared when you close the window.)

1. Rename Bibliography

By default zoterobib names your list of sources Bibliography, but you can click/tap Bibliography to change the title to References, Works Cited or whatever title is required. 

2. Convert to a New Citation Style

zoterobib will automatically convert the citations in your list to a new style--just click on the style showing under Bibliography to convert it.

3. Grab In Text (parenthetical) Citations

In text citations (also known as parenthetical) are generated when your citation is.

  1. Just select the small copy icon to the right of your citation to grab it. 
  2. Select Copy Citation from the pop up window.
  3. Paste it into your paper.

4. Export Your Bibliography

When you’re done, you can copy a formatted bibliography to the clipboard and paste it into your document.

Alternatively you can select Copy to Clipboard to export your bibliography to RTF (rich text format, which works in Word, Google Docs and other word processors) so you can easily add it to your paper, or a RIS or BibTeX file to import into a reference manager.

Delete an Entry or Start a New Bibliography

Didn't need use all the sources listed in the Bibliography or want to start over? Click the  X  next to a bibliography entry to delete it. To start a new bibliography, click Delete All to remove all entries.