When publishers impose a full text delay to their journals in databases. The length of time varies by publisher. For instance, Consumer Reports embargos its' articles for three months, so even though EBSCOhost's database, MasterFILE Premier has Consumer Reports available in full text, they will not be available for 3 months after they are actually published.
FAQs are Frequently Asked Questions.
A database is a collection of records, and records are composed of a series of fields. These fields contain very specific information. For instance, in COM Library's Catalog, every item has a record. Each record includes fields such as author, title, subject, publisher, and call number.
The results retrieved from a search in an online database or Internet search engine.
Hyper Text Markup Language. Code that is transparent to the user that allows the user of a Web page to click on a link and jump to another page.
In COM Library, this refers to a print listing of article citations, usually accessible by title, author and subject.
information literacy
The ability to locate, evaluate, and use information to become an independent life-long learner. The Research Tutorial is designed to introduce COM students to the process of becoming information literate.
An interface allows a user to interact with computer programs. In the case of an online database, it allows a user to retrieve the data or information in the database.
A global network connecting millions of computers. This includes but is not limited to the Web.
Invisible Web
The Invisible Web refers to content that many directories and search engines can't index. It's not a new problem, but some sites have come up with new solutions. In order to access this information you will generally not be performing a direct search for content but for the resources that may access the content--and you can expect to spend more time doing it. The advantage? You may not be able to access this content any other way.
International Standard Book Number. A 10 or 13 digit number that uniquely identifies books and book-like products published internationally.
International Standard Serial Number.
A collection of articles generally written by scholars or experts in their fields. Articles tend to be detailed with references listed and credentials of the author given. Some journals are peer reviewed.
Examples: Journal of Applied Psychology, JAMA, Modern Fiction Studies.
Library Catalog
College of the Mainland Library's Catalog, OneSearch, is a Web based searchable catalog of COM Library's books, eBooks, media and articles. The Library Catalog may be searched anywhere on campus, or at home. In the library, the catalog terminals are located in the center of the main floor, in front of the Circulation Desk.
Library Classroom (LC)
This term is specific to COM Library. The Online Library Classroom is where the library provides instruction in how to do research and use library resources, including the Library Catalog, databases, the Internet and more.
Library of Congress Classification System
The Library of Congress Classification System is the system COM Library uses to organize its books and other materials. All cataloged materials are assigned title, author and Library of Congress subject headings so they can be retrieved in a search of COM's Library Catalog and organized on the library's shelves in a consistent manner. To see an outline of the system, go to the Library of Congress Classification Outline.
Library of Congress Subject Heading
All COM Library materials that have been cataloged have been assigned subject headings from the Library of Congress Classification System. The Library of Congress Classification System assigns all materials cataloged subject headings so that they can be retrieved using that subject. To see more on the subject headings, see the four volume Library of Congress Subject Heading books next to the COM Library Catalog terminals in COM Library.
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