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German Demystified
Organised into 20 chapters that cover key grammar topics, this book contains the building blocks for the storehouse of your new German language skills. Test yourself at the end of every chapter for encouragement on your way to speaking, writing and understanding German.
German Grammar Drills
Focusing exclusively on practical exercises, 'German Grammar Drills' helps the reader to learn often-perplexing topics with fun and engaging exercises.
Just Enough German : How to Get by and Be Easily Understood
Learn just enough German to . . . meet people Do you speak English?Sprechen Sie Englisch? get around How do I get to the airport? Wie komme ich zum Flughafen? get a hotel I'd like a room with a shower. Ich m#65533;chte ein Zimmer mit Dusche. shop How much is this? Wieviel kostet dies? order a meal The a la carte menu, please. Die Speisekarte, bitte. Just Enough German covers all the essential travel topics so you can communicate quickly and easily in any situation.
Elements of German Phonology and Morphology
Elements of German fills a gap in advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate levels of German language study by presenting more advanced concepts of the language in a light intended for practical use rather than theoretical discourse. This text provides a means to improve knowledge and command of grammatically correct German as it is spoken and written. It also introduces methods and tools of linguistic analysis in the areas of phonology and morphology. Unlike books that treat phonology in a cursory way, this text delves into the problems of word formation and the intricacies of inflection and derivation. Exercises are included throughout to help better absorb the rules for real-world language use. This volume provides an in-depth look at the German language from the ground up. Its detailed approach makes this book an excellent complement to the work of less specific grammar textbooks and reviews.
Mastering German Vocabulary
How often have you looked up an English word in a German dictionary only to be confronted by a bewildering array of German equivalents? Which is the correct word for the context in question? Thirty years' experience in teaching Germanic languages at tertiary level to English-speaking students have made the author acutely aware of this problem. Mastering German Vocabulary explains how to use over 2,200 common German words correctly, using example sentences in German with English translations. In order to aid quick consultation, all German and English words are listed in separate indexes. The book is designed for all upper secondary and tertiary students of German and complements Routledge's grammar, dictionary and vocabulary building textbooks. It is a practical companion for anyone serious about perfecting their German.
The Semantics of German Verb Prefixes
The Semantics of German Verb Prefixes is the most comprehensive study ever undertaken in this area of German grammar. Using an extensive collection of naturally occurring data, the author proposes an image-schematic interpretation for each of the productive prefixes be-, ver-, er-, ent-, zer-, um-, über-, unter-, and durch-. These abstract semantic patterns underlie a remarkable range of particular meanings, and they consistently account for subtle contrasts between prefixed verbs and alternative constructions such as simple verbs, particle verbs, and verbs with other prefixes. Furthermore, the author develops a schematic meaning for the prefixed verb construction itself. This grammatical meaning reflects the interpreter's perspective and attentional focus as the objective event is imagined to unfold. Underlying all of these proposals is a novel conception of meaning as a dynamic and flexible process with a constantly active role for the interpreter. This volume will be of great value to cognitive linguists as well as scholars and students of German who want to gain insights into a central and puzzling part of the morphosyntax and semantics of the German language.
Structure of German
The new edition of The Structure of German has been fully revised to take account of developments in the subject. The author describes German phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. He introduces linguistic theory in order to throw light on every aspect of the language,providing students with a linguistically informed and accessible approach to the description of the language. Updated guides to further reading are given at the end of each chapter, and the book's usefulness for students and teachers has been enhanced by the addition of exercises and discussionquestions. This is an ideal introduction to German linguistics. It may also be used as an introduction to linguistics for students of German.