Reforms and movements in American history that were inspired by injustice, inequality and changing values. Find sources on social justice, reforms and movements and links to all our specific social justice in American history guides.
A Biography of America: The Reform Impulse (25:52)The Industrial Revolution has its dark side, and the tumultuous events of the period touch off intense and often thrilling reform movements. Professor Masur presents the ideas and characters behind the Great Awakening, the abolitionist movement, the women's movement, and a powerful wave of religious fervor.
Growth of a Nation: Expansion and Reform (25:29)Advances in manufacturing and transportation spurred a great economic expansion in the early 1900s. This fascinating process helped forge a national identity, but fueled growing regional tensions. The turbulent transformation spurred one of the greatest burst of reformism in American history. Countless reform movements reflected the compulsion of Americans to restore order to their increasingly complex world.