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Laptop Checkout

Checkout laptops at the Circulation Desk.

Laptops for Home Use

Laptops can be checked out for 4 weeks by currently enrolled COM students pursuing degrees or certificates without any current library holds, fines or overdue items.

Good to Know

  • Laptops check out for 4 weeks and MUST be returned by the due date. Students will have the opportunity to check out the returned laptop, if needed.
  • Students with overdue laptops risk losing laptop privileges for the remainder of the semester.
  • Long overdue laptops are considered lost, preventing students from registering for classes in addition to being charged a replacement fee of $340 if not returned. 
  • If the laptop is stolen while you have it checked out, you must notify library staff at the Circulation Desk immediately and file a theft report with the COM Campus Police.  
  • Follow the COM Acceptable Use Policy (PDF).

To Checkout a Laptop

  1. QuestionGo to the library Circulation Desk.
  2. Present your COM ID at time of checkout.
  3. Read and sign the laptop agreement.
  4. Sign in for laptop set up.  
  5. Take your laptop home!

Fees for Loss or Damage

feesLaptops not returned on time or returned damaged or not in good working order incur fees and holds on your account

  • Replacement due to loss, theft or damage (including failure to return the laptop): $300.
  • Damage includes, but is not limited to:  cracked screen, broken camera, broken hinge, and liquid or other physical damage that renders the laptop inoperable.
  • Replacement of laptop charger due to loss, theft or damage: $40.

Get Help

Use the chat box to get help with your research or if you have any other library questions.