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Working with Literature

Resources on understanding literature, literary concepts and terms, historical context, finding full text literary works, writing about literature.

Best Searches for Books

Understanding what life was like when a work was written can help you understand the work.

You can find more in OneSearch by combining a time period with terms like history, life, society, religion, women, customs, social, philosophy, thought or culture. For instance, if you wanted to have a better understanding of Chaucer’s Wife of Bath you could combine the time period “middle ages” with women to learn more about women’s roles in the middle ages. Use quotes for phrases and the plus sign for a more effective search.

  • "middle ages" +women

Here are some more examples:

  • ancient +religion
  • “colonial period”+society
  • "civil war" +culture
  • renaissance +philosophy
  • reformation +life
  • "Elizabethan age" +history
  • "20th century" +customs
  • "21st century" +social
  • Enlightenment
  • +thought
  • "daily life" +colonial

Featured Series: American Decades

Featured Series: World Eras