1. Research Tutorial
Your introduction to college level research.
2. College Level Research
College level research, scholarly & peer reviewed articles and more.
3. Your Research Assignment
Understanding your research assignment and picking a topic.
4. Find Your Sources
Find college level books, eBooks, articles and media for your research assignments.
5. Evaluate Your Sources
Evaluating your sources and spotting fake sites, fake news and media bias.
6. Cite Your Sources
Citation, plagiarism, copyright and fair use.
Understanding your assignment is key. You should read your assignment as soon as you get it just so you have time to ask your instructor about anything that you’re not sure of.
Having the assignment with you when you search can help ensure that the sources that you find will work for the assignment. Circle, highlight or underline important requirements. If you are not sure what your instructor wants, ask!
When reading your assignment focus on verbs like analyze, summarize or compare to understand what your instructor wants from you. Other important words to watch out for are how, why, when, etc. All of these words will help you focus on what you need for your research topic.
Many instructors have rules that they want you to follow in order to complete the assignment successfully. They frequently include things like:
Once you have and understand your assignment, choosing a topic is the next step in the research process. In some cases, you will be assigned a specific topic for your research paper. In other cases you will be able to complete your research on a topic of your choice.
If you are able to choose your own topic, try to choose a topic that is interesting to you. You will be spending quite a bit of time doing research and writing your paper--interest in the topic can make the process much easier and help you write a better paper.
Get ideas from a database! If you're having a hard time coming up with a topic, you can actually get ideas from databases. Plus you'll already have sources available right from the database! The brief guides below show you the best databases to go for ideas on current events, history, literature or science.
Here are some popular tips to help you find the sources you need for the college level research you'll be doing at COM. You can see more tips here.
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