Check out these graphic novels that go beyond Marvel and DC.
Maus by Art Spiegelman through a comic book Spiegelman retells the story of his parent's experience surviving the Holocaust. In Spiegelman's retelling, the Germans are cats, the Jews are mice, and the Polish are pigs.
The Black Panther Party by Davide Walker shows the history of the Black Panther Party, its mission, and its social programming. The graphic novel highlights important events and key figures of the Party.
Footnotes in Gaza by Joe Sacco tells the story of the conflict between Palestine and Israel. Sacco's story spans 50 years, showing the multiple conflicts between the two groups and the devastation Palestinians endured.
Last on His Feet by Adrian Matejka tells the story of the great boxer Jack Johnson. The novel focuses on his Battle of the Century fight in 1910, with flashbacks showing his childhood and his rise to fame.
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