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Basic Skills for Organic Chemistry
This text will help students integrate and understand the large body of information typically covered in a year-long course in organic chemistry. It can be used as a supplement to discussions in class and the required textbook. Guiding students to focus on skills and tools, Basic Skill for Organic Chemistry: A Tool Kit, fosters the development of conceptual skills that can help minimize the need to memorize specific material.
Invitation to Organic Chemistry
Invitation to Organic Chemistry provides students with an elementary understanding of organic chemistry in order to support study in career fields such as nursing, agricultural sciences, biology, allied health sciences and pharmacy. Invitation to Organic Chemistry is not a truncated two-semester text. It was written specifically for the shorter one-semester, or one- or two-quarter organic chemistry course at the college level. Johnson's approach is to present only that material which is essential for understanding the elementary workings of organic chemistry. This encourages a more thorough understanding of the information as opposed to memorizing, and then forgetting, a larger body of it. Johnson also attempts to make organic chemistry interesting and relevant, easing students into new concepts by moving logically and gradually from one topic to the next.
Laboratory Manual of Organic Chemistry
About the Book: The manual has been thoroughly revised, several new experiments and tests have been added while some redundant material has been deleted. Chapter 2 has been completely rewritten. An obvious change of this edition constitutes the splitting of Chapter 7 into two separate Chapters. Tables on derivatives of organic compounds have been expended. Also included are 20 estimations, 75 preparations and isolation experiments and approximately 135 in-text questions related to the experiments. The approximation of modern spectroscopic techniques to structure determination have been discussed in the last Chapter. This book is designed both for undergraduate and postgraduate level students with its enhanced and comprehensive presentation. This is an indispensable book for organic chemistry practicals. Contents: Safety in the chemical laboratory Laboratory equipments and techniques Detection of elements Tests for functional groups Tests for common organic compounds Preparation of derivatives Estimation of functional groups Organic preparations Spectroscopic methods
Materials Syntheses: A Practical Guide
Materials syntheses are more complex than syntheses of inorganic or organic compounds. Materials synthesis protocols often suffer from unclarities, irreproducibility, lack in detail and lack in standards. The need to change this situation is the main motivation for this book. It collects a number of detailed protocols, ranging from organic polymers to carbonaceous and ceramic materials, from gels to porous and layered materials and from powders and nanoparticles to films.
Organic Chemistry
Fox and Whitesell's Organic Chemistry, Second Editionrepresents a new way of learning that is based on the authors' experiences teaching undergraduate students at the University of Texas, Austin. The aim of its approach is to teach the students concepts that they will need to know for future course work, medical school, etc., rather than promoting tedious memorization. As a result, they will be better prepared for the future, and leave your class with a greater understanding of what makes organic chemistry such an important course.
Organic Reaction Mechanisms
In-depth discussion of the subject.Basic concept dealt adequately with using appropriate examples.Thoroughly revised with new sections.Inclusion of recent bibliography.ABOUT THE BOOK:This long awaited fourth edition continues with its current and outstanding methodologies for the elucidation of reaction mechanisms and their understading. This book has constantly tried to assist the students in learning reaction mechanisms considering a broad coverage of important aspects of mechanistic techniques. It has been extensively used as a text for the last thirty years by both graduate and postgraduate level students. In addition, research workers have also enormously benefited because of the in-depth discussion of the subject and inclusion of recent bibliography.The book consists of 14 chapters and is written in a reader friendly language. The contents of the new edition provide a concrete and compact description of the subject. New end-of-chapter problems have been appended. This book will hopefully continue to inspire its readers in focussing on the mechanistic approach to chemistry.
Solid State Organometallic Chemistry
An authoritative and up-to-date account of structure analysis techniques and chemical applications in the solid state focusing on X-ray diffraction, Mossbauer spectroscopy and solid-state NMR. As solid state chemistry becomes increasingly important, organometallic chemistry will play a key role in addressing complex structures and developing novel interface chemistry. This book presents state-of-the-art reviews by leading chemists which detail the progress that has been made in the physical models and physical measurements of organometallics in the solid state. * Critically analyses X-ray diffraction techniques in advanced and single crystal structure determination * Discusses the potentials of Mossbauer spectroscopy, solid state NMR and X-ray spectroscopy in structural analysis * Includes ab initio calculations on bonding in transition metal complexes This book will be invaluable to organometallic and solid state chemists and will also be of interest to physicists as well as polymer and materials scientists.