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Book Collection

Print books selected to support COM courses.

Bring Us Your Books!

BringCOM Library has a Sustainable Shelves program, so bring us your books! We will accept any book in decent physical conditional and that has an ISBN. 

COM Staff, If the books were purchased with College funds, you’d need to bring them over and fill out a Property disposition record (available from the I drive). You would not need to list each book, just list 5 boxes of books (or however many) on the form.

Just so you know, this is what happens to the books:

  1. Go in our collection if they support the mission of the College and fit our collection development criteria.
  2. Go to second hand booksellers if there is an interest, in which case the library gets a credit towards future purchases. 
  3. Go to libraries in developing countries.
  4. Recycled if all else fails.