Most library catalogs and databases provide citations for articles, books and media. If you got your source from a library, check to see if a citation also provided.
COM Library has APA and MLA guides that show how to grab links from our databases and catalogs, as well as in guides for all our databases, many of which include more that APA and MLA styles. Techniques for grabbing he citation will be the same for different styles.
Good news! Google scholar provides citations for articles and some books from the search result list (currently MLA, APA, Chicago (same as Turabian), Harvard or Vancouver).
To grab a citation click on the Cite link below a search result and select from the available citation styles.
As with any resource that provides citations, always double check to make sure formatting is correct.
Note: Google Scholar does not include DOI information.
These citation generators can help you build your citations in multiple styles, including APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, ACS, GSA and more.
They can be especially helpful when you are citing something not available from a database like a web page, image, television or federal statute.
zoterobib is our favorite because it is free, no adds and is the quickest and easiest to use. Want to know more? Try How to Use Zoterobib.
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