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What is bias, how to spot it, how to challenge bias and using biased sources.


What is Bias?

Bias is a "predisposition or a preconceived opinion that prevents a person from impartially evaluating facts that have been presented for determination."

There are many ways to be biased and no one is truly free of bias. For most of us, bias comes from our cultures.

We each belong to many cultures, and have cultures based on things like where we have lived, what schools we have attended, what socioeconomic level we belong to, what our spiritual beliefs are, our age group, our gender, our race, and what other groups and cultures we have interacted with. All of these can change over time. 

But just because we all have bias does not mean that we cannot learn more about other cultures and points of view, challenging our own bias and those of others. 

How are implicit biases holding us back?

What is Confirmation Bias?

Once you recognize that we all have bias, the next step is to consider confirmation bias. Confirmation bias basically says that we tend to seek out the sources that confirm our existing bias.

For instance, we tend to watch just the conservative news, or just the liberal news depending on whether our own beliefs lean toward conservative or liberal.

Not only that, when we view centrist sources, we tend to think of them as leaning to the left or right rather then the center.

Which means we are not getting the whole picture of news and events in our world.

What is Media Bias?

Bias is "a particular tendency, trend, inclination, feeling, or opinion" about someone or something.

When we discuss bias in media in the US, we are generally referring to conservative (also known as right) v. liberal (also known as left) bias, though there are many more ways to be biased and no one is truly free of bias.

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