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Black's Medical Dictionary
A reference for all who need clear explanation of medical terms: nurses, health care professionals and students, health service management, actuaries, lawyers and journalists.
A Dictionary of Nursing
The new edition of this bestselling and trusted dictionary has been fully revised to take account of recent developments in nursing practice and related fields. Updates to this edition cover many areas, with a particular focus on radiography, public health and the NHS, theoretical concepts familiar in nursing education, and key vocabulary used in the 2018 Nursing & Midwifery Council (NMC) Standards of Proficiency for Registered Nurses. Written by medical and nursing specialists, and offering more than 10,500 clear and concise entries on nursing theory and practice, the dictionary provides comprehensive coverage of the ever-expanding vocabulary of the nursing professions. As well as nursing-specific terms, there are also many entries in the fields of medicine, anatomy, physiology, ethics, psychiatry, nutrition, dentistry, statistics, and pharmacology. Almost 100 helpful illustrations and tables, and 16 appendices covering the calculation of drug dosages, religion and nursing practice, recommended alcohol intake, and much more, help to make this an essential reference tool for all nursing students and professionals.
Encyclopedia of Medical Terminology
The book is an encyclopedic dictionary of all fields of study and research in medicine. In fact, it is a broad collection of over 127 special dictionaries containing terms of all medical titles and specialties with common alphabetical order that have been carefully selected from professionally relevant websites.
Magill's Medical Guide Volumes 1-5
Covers diseases, disorders, treatments, procedures, specialties, biology, and issues in an easy-to-use A-Z format, with sidebars addressing recent developments in medicine and concise information boxes for all diseases and disorders. In addition to completely new essays in this edition, all entries from the previous edition have been evaluated and updated by a panel of Medical Editors to ensure their currency and accuracy.
Also available in print: RC41 .M345 2022
Medical Terminology for Dummies
Take the intimidation out of medical terminology Every job in the medical field needs some background in medical terminology. From the check-in desk to the doctor to the pharmaceutical sales rep, and everyone around and in between, healthcare professionals and those in adjacent fields use a common and consistent vocabulary to improve quality, safety, and efficiency. Medical Terminology For Dummies is a powerful resource for current and prospective healthcare professionals. It provides different ways to memorize the words and their meanings, including ideas for study materials, flash cards, quizzes, mind maps, and games. Plus, you'll discover how to identify, pronounce, define, and apply words in proper context. Grasp the standardized language of medicine Find the easiest way to remember tongue-twisting terms Benefit from lots of definitions and examples Understand, retain, and put this knowledge to use If you're one of the millions of professionals hoping to succeed in this booming field, this book gets you talking the talk so you can walk the walk!
Medical Terminology Systems : A Body Systems Approach
Medical Language Lab for Medical Terminology Systems, 8th Edition A word building and body systems approach! A true blend of words, art, and technology, Medical Terminology Systems + The Medical Language Lab work together to create an immersive, multimedia experience that tracks your progress until you've mastered the language of medicine. Medical Terminology Systems, 8th Edition You'll begin by learning the parts of words roots, combining forms, suffixes, and prefixes. Then, use your understanding of word parts to learn medical terminology. Mnemonic devices and engaging, interactive activities make word-building fun and easy, ensuring you retain the information you need for success. See what students are saying about the previous edition... The Right Way to Learn Medical Terminology!"...if I had to be asked again to purchase this book I would do it all over again. Unlike most of my other textbooks that I bought throughout the school year that just sit in the back of my closet collecting dust once the class is over, this book, I still continue to use every day. It definitely helps me out in my anatomy classes and even in some of my biology classes too. Fantastic book!"--Taylor Berlinger Worth the Purchase"I love this book a lot. I am currently using [it] for my college course class on medical terminology. The illustrations are awesome and the breakdown of suffix and prefix format [are] as well."--Jonnita The Medical Language Lab Online. Interactive. Progressive. Based on proven language methodology, The MLL guides you step by step from basic through advanced levels of proficiency to become a confident medical language speaker. A special code in the front of the book unlocks The MLL for you...including an ebook of the text and lecture videos. Instructors can use it with their current learning management system or with its integrated grade book. They can also customize it to meet the needs of their course. Want to learn more? Visit www.medicallanguagelab.com now.
Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary
Taber's brings meanings to life. In hand, online or mobile...the all-in-one, go-to source for classroom, clinic, and beyond. Put the language of nursing, medicine, and the healthcare professions at your fingertips. In hand, online, or on your mobile device--anywhere and everywhere, Taber's 24 is the all-in-one, go-to source in the classroom, clinical, and beyond. Under the editorial direction of Donald Venes, MD, MSJ, a team of expert consulting editors and consultants representing nearly every health care profession ensures that the content reflects today's most current and relevant information. An access code inside new, print texts unlocks a FREE, 1-year subscription to Taber's Online, powered by Unbound Medicine, the complete Taber's database for quick reference when and where you need it. See what students and practitioners are saying about the previous edition... Five Stars "What every medical student, student nurse, paramedic student, and medical professional should have."--Kelly, Online Reviewer EVERYTHING A NURSING STUDENT NEEDS. "My school did not recommend this book, but I remembered this book from LPN school and how much it helped with care planning. It's much easier to carry than all the textbooks to clinicals too! LOVE this newest version too!!"--Melissa A. B., Online Reviewer Nursing school life saver. "This book has been a great for my clinical experience databases. I love how it's broken into sections for easy access and understanding. My school offers an electronic edition for free to us, but I like hard copy books."--P.M., Online Reviewer Gotta Have It! "I have thoroughly used this dictionary already in my schooling! I am sure it will help me in many days to come."--Christina M., Online Reviewer Very Informative! "Love that I have access to the online version that makes it quicker to find terms needed for class."--Kelly V., Online Reviewer Great book. "I use it for nursing school during my clinicals and it is perfect."--Online Reviewer