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Advanced Soil Mechanics
This revised and updated edition of Advanced Soil Mechanics presents a step-by-step guide to all aspects of the subject to students, and addresses a wide range of topics in a logical and extensively illustrated approach, including: grain-size distribution; the nature of water in clay; consistency of cohesive soils; weight-volume relationships; soil classification systems; concepts of elasticity; equations of equilibrium.
The book is illustrated with mathematical derivations and clear diagrams, problems and examples are provided throughout and each chapter concludes with a list of references for further in-depth review or research. Advanced Soil Mechanics is valuable not only for upper-level undergraduate and graduate level students of civil engineering, engineering mechanics, and soil mechanics, but also as a reference for professionals working in these fields.
Deformation of Earth Materials : An Introduction to the Rheology of Solid Earth
This graduate textbook presents a comprehensive, unified treatment of the materials science of deformation as applied to solid Earth geophysics and geology. The deformation of Earth materials is presented in a systematic way covering elastic, anelastic and viscous deformation. Advanced discussions on relevant debates are also included to bring readers a full picture of science in this interdisciplinary area. This textbook is ideal for graduate courses on the rheology and dynamics of solid Earth, and includes review questions with solutions so readers can monitor their understanding of the material presented. It is also a much-needed reference for geoscientists in many fields including geology, geophysics, geochemistry, materials science, mineralogy and ceramics.
Dictionary of Earth Science
THE LANGUAGE OF EARTH SCIENCE AT YOUR FINGERTIPSDerived from the world-renowned "McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, Sixth Edition, this vital reference offers a wealth of essential information in a portable, convenient, quick-find format. Whether you're a professional, a student, a writer, or a general reader with an interest in science, there is no better or more authoritative way to stay up-to-speed with the current language of earth science or gain an understanding of its key ideas and concepts. Written in clear, simple language understandable to the general reader, yet in-depth enough for scientists, educators, and advanced students, "The McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Earth Science, Second Edition: * Has been extensively revised, with 11,000 entries that fully define the language of the earth sciences * Includes synonyms, acronyms, and abbreviations * Provides pronunciations for all terms * Covers such topics as geology, geochemistry, geography, geodesy, geophysics, hydrology, oceanography, meteorology, and climatology * Includes an appendix containing tables of useful data and information * Is based on the "McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms - for more than a quarter-of-a-century THE standard international reference Carefully reviewed for clarity, completeness, and accuracy, the "McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Earth Science, Second Edition, offers a standard of excellence unmatched by any similar publication.
Engineering Geomorphology
This volume covers the topic of engineering geomorphology as a distinct discipline. It includes basic concepts that underpin efforts to explain the causes, mechanisms and consequences of landform change. It then considers how the land surface works in the context of wetland, flatland, hills, mountains, rivers and coasts.
Fundamentals of Geomorphology
This extensively revised and updated edition continues to present an engaging and comprehensive introduction to the subject, exploring the world’s landforms from a broad systems perspective. It reflects on the latest developments in the field and includes new chapters on geomorphic materials and processes, hillslopes and changing landscapes.
Mountain Geomorphology
Mountains represent one of the most inspiring and attractive natural features on the surface of the earth. Visually, they dominate the landscape. However, the increasing realization of the fragility of mountain areas because of changes in land use, management and climate, combined with an understanding of their importance for water and other natural resources, has resulted in a growing interest in mountain environments in recent years. Hence, Mountain Geomorphology represents a timely and unique contribution to the literature. Written by a team of international experts, this book is divided into three sections, which consider historical, functional and applied mountain geomorphology from both global and local perspectives. Historical mountain geomorphology focuses on the evolution of landforms. Functional mountain geomorphology emphasises the interaction between processes and landforms, while applied mountain geomorphology concerns the interrelationships between geomorphological processes and society. Mountain Geomorphology is a valuable source of information for students studying mountain geomorphology, and also for academics and research scientists interested in mountain environments.
Processes That Shape the Earth
On Earth, nothing is still. Mountains rise and fall. Tides ebb and flow. Even the continents themselves are on the move. Beneath the surface, a restless engine powers earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and the shifting of continents. Above ground, the sun causes the wind to howl, rain to pour, rivers to churn, and oceans to swell with waves. Processes That Shape the Earth surveys these forces and the ways they sculpt the planet. The modern theory of plate tectonics is introduced, along with other pertinent topics in physical geology. Several chapters add relevant historical context, presenting readers with fascinating discussions of Earth’s origin, its history over billions of years, and the recent changes that have resulted from human activity.
Surf, Sand, and Stone : How Waves, Earthquakes, and Other Forces Shape the Southern California Coast
Southern California is sandwiched between two tectonic plates with an ever-shifting boundary. Over the last several million years, movements of these plates have dramatically reshuffled the Earth's crust to create rugged landscapes and seascapes riven with active faults. Movement along these faults triggers earthquakes and tsunamis, pushes up mountains, and lifts sections of coastline. Over geologic time, beaches come and go, coastal bluffs retreat, and the sea rises and falls. Nothing about Southern California's coast is stable. Surf, Sand, and Stone tells the scientific story of the Southern California coast: its mountains, islands, beaches, bluffs, surfing waves, earthquakes, and related phenomena. It takes readers from San Diego to Santa Barbara, revealing the evidence for how the coast's features came to be and how they are continually changing. With a compelling narrative and clear illustrations, Surf, Sand, and Stone outlines how the coast will be altered in the future and how we can best prepare for it.
Tectonic Geomorphology
Tectonic geomorphology is the study of the interplay betweentectonic and surface processes that shape the landscape in regionsof active deformation and at time scales ranging from days tomillions of years. Over the past decade, recent advances inthe quantification of both rates and the physical basis of tectonicand surface processes have underpinned an explosion of new researchin the field of tectonic geomorphology. Modern tectonicgeomorphology is an exceptionally integrative field that utilizestechniques and data derived from studies of geomorphology,seismology, geochronology, structure, geodesy, stratigraphy,meteorology and Quaternary science. While integrating new insightsand highlighting controversies from the ten years of research sincethe 1st edition, this 2nd edition ofTectonic Geomorphology reviews the fundamentals of thesubject, including the nature of faulting and folding, the creationand use of geomorphic markers for tracing deformation,chronological techniques that are used to date events and quantifyrates, geodetic techniques for defining recent deformation, andpaleoseismologic approaches to calibrate past deformation. Overall, this book focuses on the current understanding of thedynamic interplay between surface processes and active tectonics.As it ranges from the timescales of individual earthquakes to thegrowth and decay of mountain belts, this book provides a timelysynthesis of modern research for upper-level undergraduate andgraduate earth science students and for practicing geologists. Additional resources for this book can be found at: www.wiley.com/go/burbank/geomorphology.
Tropical Geomorphology
Although similar geomorphic processes take place in other regions, in the tropics these processes operate at different rates and with varying intensities. Tropical geomorphology therefore provides many new discoveries regarding geomorphic processes. This textbook describes both the humid and arid tropics. It provides thoroughly up-to-date concepts and relevant case studies, and emphasises the importance of geomorphology in the management and sustainable development of the tropical environment, including climate change scenarios. The text is supported by a large number of illustrations, including satellite images. Student exercises accompany each chapter. Tropical Geomorphology is an ideal textbook for any course on tropical geomorphology or the tropical environment, and is also invaluable as a reference text for researchers and environmental managers in the tropics.