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How to Use Libby

Get the basics, and how to read literature, fiction and nonfiction eBooks from COM Library's OverDrive collection on Libby.

Free eBooks From You Local Public Library!

It's true, you can get free eBooks from your local public library! They are not technically open access, but they are free to anyone with a library card!

Most of our local public libraries provide OverDrive. Some local libraries also provide in Axis 360, Cloud Library or Hoopla. They all require a library card to get started. Get a library card from your local public library.

Belong to More Than One Library?

If you've created on OverDrive account, you can go to the OverDrive catalog for all libraries and see what the latest eBooks are or find out which of your library has the eBook you want.

Just sign in to browse or search. You may need to choose the ALL saved libraries option from the result list to see just the collections to which you have access.

Libby Collections

In addition to the COM Library OverDrive collection, there are four local library groups that offer free eBooks through Overdrive.

The four local library groups do have some of the same books, but their eBook collections vary just as their print collections do. Collections may also include audiobooks, magazines and videos. eBooks include bestsellers, classics, self help, titles for children and young adults and lots more!

Harris County Collection

Harris County has many branches. The closest to the college are Clear Lake City-County Freeman Branch Library, Evelyn Meador Branch Library and the Parker Williams Branch Library. Any Texas resident can get a free library card from the Houston Public Library, Harris County Public Library and Rosenberg Library.

Houston Public Library Collection 

Houston Public Library has it's own collection of eBooks in OverDrive/Libby. Any Texas resident can get a free library card at any Houston Public Library branch. 

Houston Area Collection

Friendswood Public Library, Helen Hall Library, Houston Public Library, Mae S. Bruce Library and Rosenberg Library are part of the Houston Area OverDrive collection. Any Texas resident can get a free library card from the Houston Public Library, Helen Hall Library, Harris County Public Library and Rosenberg Library. Any resident of Galveston county can get a free library card from Mae S. Bruce Library. 

Moore Memorial Collection

Moore Memorial has it's own collection of eBooks in OverDrive/Libby. Any Texas resident can get a free library card at Moore Memorial Public Library. 

Piney Woods Collection

Genevieve Miller Hitchcock Public Library and La Marque Public Library are part of the Piney Woods OverDrive collection. Any Galveston County resident can get a free library card at all Galveston County libraries.

Get a Public Library Card

If you don't already have a local library card, go to your local public and sign up--it's free!

Any Galveston County resident can get a free library card at all Galveston County libraries.

Any Texas resident can get a free library card from the Houston Public Library, Harris County Public Library and Rosenberg Library.