Don't see your favorite author or genre in our OverDrive collection?
Let us know what you like to read in eBooks and we'll try to them for you! Just so you know, there are some authors and titles that publishers will not sell to academic libraries as eBooks, but we'll worry about that part. Just lest us know what you like and we'll get back with you!
Email your suggestions to
It's true, you can access most COM Library resources at home! COM Library’s catalog, and the thousands of eBooks and articles in our databases can all be accessed off campus. Just login with your COM account for off campus access.
Libby/OverDrive has thousands of eBooks including best sellers, literature, history and self help. You'll need the Libby app to read your eBooks. You can get step by step set up instruction on the Read in Libby pages.
eBooks to support COM students and courses offered at the College as well as leisure fiction. There is a large collection of literature with an emphasis on 20th and 21st century authors as well as smaller special collections on family, relationships, health, life after military, self-improvement, history and succeeding in college.
Thanks to IMLS and TSLAC for awarding COM Library a grant to start our OverDrive project. Grant funds have been used to purchase hundreds of eBooks designed to support our students the courses offered at the College. We expect this initial collection to grow in the future to meet the needs of our community.
This project is made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services and Texas State Library and Archives Commission.
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409-933-8448 . FAX 409-933-8030
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