1. Research Tutorial
Your introduction to college level research.
2. College Level Research
College level research, scholarly & peer reviewed articles and more.
3. Your Research Assignment
Understanding your research assignment and picking a topic.
4. Find Your Sources
Find college level books, eBooks, articles and media for your research assignments.
5. Evaluate Your Sources
Evaluating your sources and spotting fake sites, fake news and media bias.
6. Cite Your Sources
Citation, plagiarism, copyright and fair use.
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If you are taking your class through D2L, your instructor has provided instructions on how to take the Research Tutorial quiz within your D2L class.
This research tutorial is a series of guides with a quiz that gets you started researching at a college level. You'll learn:
One of the best ways to get started with college level research is to get to know your library.
Taking the time to get to know your library now can really save you time and frustration when you actually have to do research for your classes. Get some library basics in about COM Library.
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