It's true, you can access most COM Library resources at home! COM Library’s catalog, and the thousands of eBooks and articles in our databases can all be accessed off campus. Just login with your COM account for off campus access.
Search for streaming video (movies and TV shows), music, audiobooks, eBooks and comics.
hoopla provides streaming video (movies and TV shows), music, audiobooks, eBooks and comics. Instantly stream and download to your device. Popular titles and classics, fiction and non fiction are available. Stream 24/7 on or off campus.
You can borrow anything you want in Hoopla, but you will be limited to 5 items per calendar month. (So if you borrow 5 music albums in February, you won't be able to borrow anything else until March 1)
College of the Mainland students, faculty and staff qualify to use Hoopla. If you don't qualify, you can use this map to see if you local library participates in Hoopla, then you can set up an account with your library card. .
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