Link to Films on Demand videos so that they can be accessed on or off campus.
In Films on Demand you can get a durable link for videos or embed videos so that you can share with your students in D2L. Here's how:
- Get the link or code:
Use the Share Tool below the video to get a durable or embed code to share with your students in D2L. Both of these options allow students access the video without having to login separately to FOD.
- To embed: select the Copy option for Embed code. The default option of medium works best in D2L. Students can still enlarge to full screen during playback.
- For a link: select the Copy option for LTI Link.
- Add to Your Course:
- For the Record URL
(requires login off campus, plays within D2L, but it does show the transcript)
- When you add the text on your course, highlight and select the link option from the D2L toolbar or right click to bring up the link option.
- In the URL dialog box, paste in the URL you grabbed with the proxy prefix, make sure that the Target selected is New Window and insert.
- For the LTI Link
(no login off campus, plays within D2L, does not show transcript)
- When you add the text on your course, highlight and select the link option from the D2L toolbar or right click to bring up the link option.
- In the URL dialog box, paste in the URL you grabbed with the proxy prefix, make sure that the Target selected is New Window and insert.
- For the embed code
(no login off campus, plays within D2L, does not show transcript)
- Add any descriptive text about the video, hit enter, and go to the D2L toolbar and select the Source code option.
- Find the descriptive text in your source code and find the <p></p>. Put your cursor between the <p></p> and paste the embed code that you copied.

Try the Live Links